Gain accurate and comprehensive insights.
g.nome offers advanced tools for precise variant calling, including SNVs and Indels, within protein-coding regions. Our platform excels in CNV and Indel analysis, somatic variant detection, and germline variant interpretation. With tailored workflows, integration with key databases, and customizable reporting features, g.nome empowers researchers to explore genetic variations confidently, advancing genetic research and personalized medicine.
Explore Inherited Variants with Confidence
Germline Sequencing Analysis
How g.nome helps:
- Implements robust algorithms for germline variant calling and annotation.
- Provides integration with population databases to interpret the frequency and clinical significance of germline variants.
- Offers customizable reporting features for communicating findings in research or clinical settings.
Uncover Genetic Variants with Accuracy
Precise Variant Calling
Variant calling in whole exome sequencing identifies genetic variants within the protein-coding regions of the genome. g.nome utilizes advanced algorithms to accurately call variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and small insertions/deletions (Indels).
How g.nome helps:
- Implements high-sensitivity variant calling algorithms to detect rare variants.
- Offers quality filters and annotation tools to prioritize clinically relevant variants.
- Provides visualization tools for variant exploration and validation.
Unveil Somatic Mutations with Precision
Somatic Sequencing Analysis
Somatic sequencing identifies genetic mutations specific to tumor cells, providing insights into cancer biology and personalized treatment strategies. g.nome offers specialized pipelines and analysis tools for somatic variant detection and interpretation.
How g.nome helps:
- Implements tailored workflows for somatic variant detection and filtering.
- Integrates with cancer databases and annotation tools for variant interpretation.
- Provides customizable reporting features for communicating findings in research or clinical settings.
Detect Structural Variations with Precision
CNV and Indel Analysis
Copy Number Variations (CNV) and Indel analysis in whole exome sequencing identifies structural variations such as gene duplications, deletions, and small insertions/deletions. g.nome offers specialized tools to accurately detect and analyze CNVs and Indels from exome sequencing data.
How g.nome helps:
- Utilizes robust algorithms for accurate CNV and Indel detection within exonic regions.
- Provides customizable visualization tools for exploring CNV and Indel profiles.
- Integrates annotation databases to interpret the functional impact of detected variants.
Explore More

Single-Cell RNA-seq
Explore the complexity of cellular heterogeneity and gene expression patterns at single-cell resolution, enabling deeper insights into cell types and states in diverse biological systems.

Bulk RNA Sequencing
Uncover gene expression changes across entire transcriptomes, enabling the identification of biomarkers and pathways associated with diseases and therapeutic responses.

Whole Genome
Delve into the entirety of the genome to identify genetic variants, structural variations, and mutations, providing comprehensive insights into genetic diseases and population genetics.

Targeted Sequencing
Zoom in on specific genomic regions to accurately detect variants, structural variations, and somatic mutations, enabling precise analysis tailored to specific research or clinical questions.