g.nome® provides the tools and flexibility you need for in-depth analysis and discovery

Empowering Life Science Research in Drug Discovery & Development


g.nome revolutionizes life science research by providing cutting-edge analysis platforms for a wide range of disciplines, including oncology, neurology, immunology, pre-clinical research, biomarker analysis, and clinical diagnostics. Explore the versatility and power of g.nome's analysis capabilities to drive your research and development endeavors forward.

Single-Cell RNA Seq Image

Single-Cell RNA-seq

Explore the complexity of cellular heterogeneity and gene expression patterns at single-cell resolution, enabling deeper insights into cell types and states in diverse biological systems.

Bulk RNA Sequencing Image

Bulk RNA Sequencing

Uncover gene expression changes across entire transcriptomes, enabling the identification of biomarkers, pathways, and regulatory networks associated with diseases and therapeutic responses.


Whole Genome Sequencing Image

Whole Genome Sequencing

Delve into the entirety of the genome to identify genetic variants, structural variations, and mutations, providing comprehensive insights into genetic diseases and population genetics.


Whole Exome Sequencing Image

Whole Exome Sequencing

Focus on the protein-coding regions of the genome to identify functional variants associated with diseases, accelerating the discovery of causative mutations and potential therapeutic targets.


Targeted Sequencing Image

Targeted Sequencing

Zoom in on specific genomic regions of interest to detect variants, structural variations, and somatic mutations, enabling precise analysis tailored to specific research or clinical questions.


Unlock the potential of your data to drive discoveries and innovations.


g.nome offers advanced data analysis capabilities, an intuitive interface, and robust computational power, enabling scientists to uncover hidden patterns and generate meaningful insights. By streamlining workflows and providing comprehensive support for various sequencing techniques, we empower researchers to focus on their core scientific questions. This allows for faster, more accurate results, ultimately accelerating the pace of breakthroughs in fields such as genomics, oncology, and personalized medicine. Explore how g.nome can revolutionize your research today.


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